RTI-Ques. Ans. Bank


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RTI-Ques. Ans. Bank
SL. No. Information sought Reply given
1. About Assistants, Section Officers and Under Secretaries of CSS in last 3 years in whose case the Competent Authority has decided to retain the adverse remarks of "Doubtful Integrity" after the completion of all formalities. What major /minor penalty has been recommended in all such cases? How many such cases of dismissal from service have been recommended by CVC. Under Section 8(j) of the provision of the RTI Act,2005, information which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which could cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual is exempt from disclosure. Hence the information sought cannot be disclosed under the said provision of the RTI Act.
2. Grading by Reporting officer, grading by Reviewing officer and counseling or adverse remarks if any for particular number of years of ACR of the applicant alongwith date of completion of ACR by Reviewing officer. In the light of O.M.Number 10/20/2006-IR dated 21st September, 2007 regarding disclosure of ACR under the RTI Act,2005, the public authority is not under obligation to disclose ACRs of any employee to the employee himself or to any other person in as much as disclosure of ACRs is protected by clause (j) of sub-section (1) of Section 8 of the RTI Act and an ACR is a confidential document disclosure of which is protected by the Official Secret Act,1923.
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