Proforma for Performance Appraisal Report for top level posts

8.Date of appointment to present post:

9. Awards/Honours*

10.Reporting and Reviewing officers

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Proforma for Performance Appraisal Report for top level posts
  Name & Designation
Reporting officer  
Review officer  
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11.Period of absence on leave, etc.

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  Period Type Remarks
On Leave (specify type)      
Others (specify)      
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Section II – Certification

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i.Have you filed your immovable property return, as due Yes/No
ii.Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up within the last two years Yes/No
iii.Have you set the annual work plan for the current year, in respect of all officers for whom you are the reporting authority Yes/No
iv.Have you completed the Performance Appraisal reports of all the officers for whom you are the reporting officer (if not, please indicate details in the following table) Yes/No
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Name Designation Reason for non-submission of performance appraisal
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Signature of appraisee with date

*includes medals for gallantry/meritorious service and any other recognition earned.

Section III - Appraisal

  1. For how long has the appraisee served under you during the period under report (please specify dates)?
  2. Pen Picture by reporting authority

Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer and his performance

Signature of Reporting Authority with date

Section IV – Review

  • For how long has the appraisee served under you during the period under report (please specify dates)?
  • Please record a pen-picture of the appraisee in about 100 words.

Signature of review officer, with date