Citizen Charter - Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board

This charter is declaration of our commitment to achieve excellence in the promotion of sports and cultural activities amongst Central Government employees and to ensure their larger and effective participation in the said activities for physical fitness as well as recreation.

1. Our Commitment We shall always strive to:

  1. Create an awareness among the employees about the virtues of physical fitness and the need to release stress and tension of the present day fast-paced life through sports and cultural activities.
  2. Carry out our activities in such a way as to arouse interest amongst employees to ensure their mass participation and towards this end involve the children of the employees also in the activities of the Board.
  3. Properly maintain our sports facilities viz. Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball Grounds, Lawn Tennis, Volleyball and Shooting ball Courts, Table-Tennis, Chess and Carrom halls to the satisfaction of the Central Government employees who are the end-users of these facilities.
  4. Organise Inter-Ministry tournaments in respect of all disciplines of sports and culture in such a manner so as to ensure that these tournaments commence on time by September every year and are completed by March next year positively.
  5. Carry out our tasks, with transparency, and promptness by frequent interaction with the participants of our activities.
  6. Persuade the State/UT Governments and RSBs to host AICS tournaments for all or most of the games.
  7. Review this Charter, if considered necessary, in the light of the feedback received from the users in regard to our activities.

2. Our Expectation

  1. We expect all the Central Government employees and their families based in Delhi to make full use of the sports facilities of the Board at Delhi for physical fitness as well as recreation.
  2. Participate in the Inter-Ministry Tournaments and other activities of the Board in large number with zeal and enthusiasm. Apprise the Board of the difficulties and problems faced by them and suggestions for better fulfilment of the Board’s objective of promotion of sports and cultural activities amongst civil servants.
  3. We expect the Central Civil Services Regional Boards for Culture and Sports which are located in cities outside Delhi, to make efforts to create sports facilities in the Greh Kalyan Kendras or to hire the sports facilities for most popular games in their areas of jurisdiction so that these may be used by the employees for fitness and recreation; hold local Inter-departmental tournaments in their jurisdiction and encourage the employees and their families to participate in these tournaments as well as other activities of the Regional Sports Board in large numbers.

3. Our Standards We shall:

  1. ensure that sports ground, tennis courts and other infrastructural facilities are properly maintained for use by the Government employees and their dependents.
  2. Organise all the Inter-Ministry Tournaments on time and issue the Board’s calendar of the Inter-Ministry Tournament for the financial year by the 2nd week of April every year for the advance information of the employees of all the Ministries/Departments.
  3. Display the sports calendar and circulars of All India Civil Services Tournaments at the Notice Boards kept at the Secretariat of the Board and at Vinay Marg Sports Complex for the information of the employees.
  4. to ensure that the approval of the budget for each Inter-Ministry tournament is obtained and sports equipment including trophies and prizes ordered at least one month before the start of the tournament.
  5. take decision on the protests lodged by Ministries/Departments during the Inter-Ministry tournaments within a week;
  6. obtain feedback about the quality of sports facilities, equipment’s, umpiring and attitude of the Game Supervisors and ground staff of the Board from the teams participating in the Inter Ministry tournament;
  7. take remedial measures within fifteen days in case majority of the teams point out the same deficiency/make similar suggestions; make payments for sports equipment’s and prizes/trophies within five working days of the receipt of the bills from the supplier; confirm on telephone the availability of our sports facilities for hiring by PSUs and others so that their representatives are spared the hassle of visiting the Board’s office for the same; ensure that authority letter for booking of sports facilities is issued after completion of all formalities within three hours of the receipt of request and hiring charges from PSUs and others for hiring of our sports facilities; make sure that the attitude of the staff of the Board towards the Central Government employees, suppliers of sports equipment’s and employees of PSUs and others using the sports facilities of the Board is at all times not only polite and courteous but also positive and helpful.

4. Complaints and Grievances

  1. We shall promptly acknowledge complaints within three working days and provide final replies within thirty working days of their receipt unless information is to be obtained from offices outside Delhi;
  2. Employees and other users of the facilities may approach the following officer(s) if their grievances are not redressed by the field staff of the Board or commitments made in this Charter are not fulfilled:-

1. Secretary, CCSCSB(Telephone No. 24646961 (O) Email ID secy-ccscsb[at]gov[dot]in

2. Chief Welfare Officer(Telephone No.23094319(O)