Proforma for Performance Appraisal Report for other levels

2.Service:                        3.Cadre:                        4.Year of allotment:                        5.Date of Birth                       

6.Present Grade:                        7.Present post:

8.Date of appointment to present post:

9. Awards/Honours*

10.Reporting and Reviewing officers

  Name & Designation
Reporting officer  
Review officer  

11.Period of absence on leave, etc.

  Period Type Remarks
On Leave (specify type)
Others (specify)

12.Training Programs attended

Date from Date to Institute Subject

Signature on behalf of
Admn/Personnel Dept


*includes medals for gallantry/meritorious service and any other recognition earned.

Section II – Self Appraisal

1.Brief description of duties:

(Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

2.Annual work plan and achievement:

Tasks to be performed Deliverables[1] Actual Accomplishment[2]
Initial[3] Mid year[4]  

3.Please indicate the critical assumptions made (including resources available to you) in preparing the above list of tasks and deliverables:

3.1Beginning of the year:

3.2Mid year:

4.Details of unforeseen tasks accomplished/underway:

Sr.No. Tasks (with date of start) Stage of accomplishment (at end of period under report)

5.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in time and costs)? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

6.What are the factors that helped your performance?

7.What are the factors that hindered your performance?

8.What did you learn from the experience during the period under report? Can you suggest any specific systemic improvements?

9.Please indicate specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills and attend training programs:

  1. For the current assignment:

10.Please mention specific training programs that you have opted for:

Please Note: You should send an updated CV, including additional qualifications acquired/ training programs attended/ publications/ special assignments undertaken, in a prescribed proforma, to the cadre controlling authority, once in 5 years, so that the records available with the cadre controlling authority remain updated.

11. Certification

Have you filed your immovable property return, as due Yes/No
Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up within the last two years Yes/No
Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority Yes/No
Have you completed the Performance Appraisal reports of all the officers for whom you are the reporting officer (if not, please indicate details in the following table) Yes/No
Name Designation Reason for non-submission of performance appraisal

Signature of appraisee with date

Section III                                 Appraisal

1.For how long has the appraisee served under you during the period under report (please specify the dates)?

2.Please state whether you agree with the responses relating to the accomplishments (of the work plan and unforeseen tasks) as filled out in section II. If not, please furnish factual details.

3.Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the appraisee.
Text Box:

4.Has the appraisee met with any significant failures in respect of his work? If yes, please furnish factual details.

5.Do you agree with the skill up-gradation needs as identified by the officer?       

6.If Yes, please indicate the specific steps taken/proposed to be taken to enable the officer to attend the relevant training programs.

7.If No, please indicate the reasons for your disagreement.

8.Assessment of work output$ - Reporting officer Review officer
i.Accomplishment of planned work    
ii.Accomplishment of unforeseen tasks    
iii.Quality of output    
9. Assessment of Attributes$ Reporting officer Review officer Initials of review officer
A Personal attributes      
1 Credibility      
2 Sense of responsibility      
3 Overall bearing and personality      
4 Emotional stability      
5 Innovativeness      
6 Decisiveness      
7 Willingness to learn      
8 Ability to plan and organize his work      
9 General awareness      
10 Awareness of the various technological tools      
11 Ability to motivate and develop subordinates      
12 Ability to work in a team      
13 Inter-personal skills      
14 Oral communication skills      
15 Written communication skills      
16 Citizen focus      
17 Moral courage and willingness to take a professional stand      
18 Leadership Qualities      
19* Flair for outdoor work      
B Functional competency      
20 Knowledge of laws/rules/procedures      
21 Ability to act in a manner consistent with articulated policy      
22 Awareness of techniques and methodologies relating to his work      
23 Ability to judiciously allocate resources (financial, human and material)      
24 Ability to view an issue from different vantage points      
25 Ability to anticipate and respond to emerging situations      
26 Subject/sector specific knowledge      
27 IT skills and competency      
28 Negotiating ability      
29# Local language proficiency      
30# Awareness of the local norms and local area      
31** Ability to maintain social harmony (religious, caste, sectarian, linguistic, ethnic, etc.)      
32** Strategic planning ability      

# Primarily required for officers not domiciled in the State

* Only applicable for field positions of All India Service officers

** Only applicable for district administration

*** Only applicable to officers in the super time and above level posts


Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity:

11.Attitude towards SC/ST

Please comment on the officer’s attitude towards the SC/ST

12.Pen Picture[5] by Reporting Officer

Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer and his performance that you feel has not been adequately highlighted through the attributes and work assessment given above.

Text Box:
13.Overall Grade[6]

On a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reporting Officer with date

Section IV                         –         Review

1.For how long has the appraisee served under you during the period under report (Please specify dates)?

2.Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III?

Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the appraisee?

(In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries).

3.Please record a pen-picture[7] of the appraisee in about 100 words.

4.Overall Grade[8]

On a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reviewing Officer, with date

[1] Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs.

[2] Actual accomplishment refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table.

[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report.

[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.

$ This assessment should rate the officer vis-à-vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should

be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade.

[5] This is meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made in this section.

[6] This should be on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the poorest grade and 10 to the best. It is expected that a grade of 9 or 10 and of 1 or 2 would be a rare occurrence. Hence these should be adequately justified through specific achievements or specific failures. The grade should be in whole numbers (integers) and not in decimals or fractions.

[7] This is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made in this section

[8] This should be on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the poorest grade and 10 to the best. It is expected that a grade of 9 or 10 and of 1 or 2 would be a rare occurrence. Hence these should be adequately justified through specific achievements or specific failures. The grade should be in whole numbers (integers) and not in decimals or fractions.